creation science
And Xlibris, etc
“End of Times: According To Scripture” by C Pallaghy Ph.D. is a book examining and explaining what the second coming will be like according to the Bible and why it might be happening sooner than we think. After the Lord saved Pallaghy, he realized the horrors that nonbelievers were facing. In hopes of saving people, including his family from, these terrors, he began to study God’s word. Pallaghy studied scripture for over 40 years and learned from several Bible teachers. As he studied, he realized that nonbelievers weren’t the only ones in trouble. The author explains that he believes that many of today’s Christians have become complacent in their faith and believe that all they need is God’s Mercy, but he makes it clear throughout his book that God’s promises are always conditional depending on repentance. He hopes by sharing this, along with why he believes the end of the world might be coming soon, that believers and nonbelievers will begin to make changes to their lives. “End of Times” is divided into two parts. Part one discusses scriptures and concepts that reveal that the Lord’s coming is very near. While part two focuses on qualities that Christ is looking for in The Bride of Christ and the approximate timing of her appearance in the world and how that signifies that the end is near.
Charles examines the whole of Scripture to find the true meaning of the prophetic ‘days’ as used in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. He demonstrates that God’s Grand Plan for the whole of mankind and of planet Earth can only be unraveled by considering the account of the creation, the timing and purpose of the mandatory Feasts of Israel, and other prophetic scriptures including the symbolism apparent in the Tabernacle of Moses and the Temple of Solomon. The Bible contains explicitly the true age of the Earth and the approximate timing of the Second coming of Christ, but only to those who choose to look. The Holy Bible is God’s revelation to those who love Him. It is a spiritual book written through divine inspiration by many of God’s prophets who lived centuries apart. Pallaghy’s book contains many coloured illustration and time charts built up progressively as the reader continues to delve into the book.
Those who may wish to examine Pallaghy’s thoughts further will find many more relevant articles on this comprehensive website and his other articles featured under the menus on the home page (
‘END TIMES: According to Scripture’ – A review
Anyone browsing a Christian bookshop will be aware of the numerous publications about Bible prophesy and ‘End Times’ events. Occasionally among this stream of books, a gem arises that is of significant value for those who love to research this aspect of Scripture. This recent work, by Dr Charles Pallaghy, is one that I would recommend. I rate it at 5 stars.
His book is not one that can be read like a novel, but is a compilation of his Biblical research, personal views and insights, (many of them new and challenging on this subject), that will inspire further examination as we watch our present world events unfolding.
The author has lived a dedicated Christian life, being led and inspired by the Holy Spirit during his continual years of Biblical research. For many of us who are Christians, we feel that the world is marching towards its final climax. Just as the Wise Men knew the time of Christ’s first coming, we are encouraged to be among the WISE company, who read the Scriptures, study the signs and are prepared for His second coming.
Therefore, as the reader diligently processes the views contained in this book, through the sieve of their own personal Holy Spirit led life and in the light of a careful examination of Scriptures, I believe they will find great blessing and insight.
Phil Baird, September 2021
Retired Teacher/Pastor & Friend
Forest Hill, Victoria, Australia
September 2021
Purchase online in various formats, including an audio version of the book. To find, type both title and C Pallaghy PhD in your browser.